1st-degree 2-1bs 2nd-degree 3rd-degree 4th-degree 5th-degree advozse air-speeders airspeeders ajmarhk amps anakkona-group anakoona-group anokkana-group armors ash-spit assassin-droids astromechs b-1s b-2s banshee battle-droids beasts besalisks bespin bothans bounty-hunters brawler-talent-tree campaigns capital-ship-pilots capital-ships capitalships cathar characters chiss cl-0 cl-1 cl-10 cl-11 cl-12 cl-13 cl-14 cl-15 cl-16 cl-17 cl-18 cl-2 cl-20 cl-26 cl-3 cl-4 cl-5 cl-6 cl-7 cl-8 cl-9 classes clones cloud-city combat commandos commando-talent-tree crafting crime_lord crime-lords cruisers dargas-palace devaronians diplomacy-crew dod droidekas droids duloks duros duxn empire empire-at-war endor endor-jedi-academy equipment eviscerator ewoks fall-of-the-jedi feats firrerreos force force-powers force-sensitives free-ryloth frigate frigates fringe fringe-soldiers gammoreans gamorreans gangster gar gear ground-vehicles guardian-talent-tree half-chiss herosjourney hks humans hutts ig-lancer-droids infiltrators interrogator-droids iron-ring isb ithorians it-os jedi jedi-7/jedi-knight-2/soldier-1 kashyyyk kel-dors kowakian-monkey-lizards kriselistian-job kxs kyuzos labor-droids lasats law-enforcement load-lifter-droids mandalorian-champloo mandalorians manralorian-champloo martial-artists mass-combat-unit medical-droids mercenary-talent-tree messages mind-affecting mirialans mon-calamari mutilator naboo nar-shaddaa naucrates-crew nautolans near-humans neimoidians nexu-9 nexu-group nexu-unit noble nonheroic-1 nonheroic-2 nonheroic-2/technician-1 nonheroic-6 nonheroics npcs officer officers organizations pc-ready-starships pc-ready-vehicles pcs pc-starships places planets power-droids primitives protocol-droid protocol-droids ps-ready-vehicles quarrens rebeles rebels rebel-scum rebel-soldiers republic resurgence rodians rules runaways scoundrel scout scout-6 scouts senator-tarkin's-contingent separatists shistavanens sith skills smugglers snipers soldier soldier-5 soldier-6 soldiers space-transports sparks special-agents species speeder-bikes speeders spies starfighter starfighter-pilots

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